Mixed Use building granted conditional approval

Warwick. The Welling Place building will include two business on the first floor, while the second floor will have three apartments.

| 16 Dec 2024 | 08:10

The Warwick Village Planning Board granted conditional site plan approval for the renovation of an existing building, located at 19 Welling Place, into two businesses on the first floor and three apartments on the second floor, during the December 11 meeting. At the meeting planning board attorney Elizabeth Cassidy mentioned previous discussion about the floor area ratio and whether the site would need approvals from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Because the applicant was not increasing the floor area and is slightly smaller than the pre-existing, non-conforming approved use for the site, Cassidy explained, they did not have to go to the ZBA.

Before granting approval, the board revisited previous questions about parking and discussed whether the off-site parking at municipal lots or on the street was sufficient. There was some talk about whether additional parking could be added when the site is renovated, which would be a matter for the village board and DPW. The board determined that the amount of off-site parking was adequate.

Warwick Feed and Grain

During the meeting the board approved Warwick Feed and Grain’s application for a floodplain permit, allowing them to place additional fill in the area. Cassidy pointed out that while mapping of the site might have revealed some potential environmental impacts to the area, it was a starting point that allows the board to facilitate their review, and that she did not feel that there were any significant impacts. The planning board engineer added that archaeological concerns were the bigger issue, as being close to a moving water site makes it more likely that archaeological items are nearby. However, because the applicant was proposing to put fill on top of the surface and not doing any excavation, there wasn’t a concern that sensitive areas would be disturbed.


The board continued its review of the amended site plan for Yesterday’s. The representative for the applicant confirmed that the storage units on site will be removed and that the turnaround for fire services would be widened. The applicant was also asked to include signage designating the fire access and preventing guests from impeding that access.

The review included discussions on the amount of available parking, with the applicant confirming that there was undeveloped land set aside for parking that could be used in addition to the existing 56 paved parking spaces.

The board agreed to waive the public hearing for this application.