Memorial for Stanley Curtis, longtime community musical presence

A Memorial Celebration honoring the life of the late Stanley Curtis (6/19/33 - 4/20/20) will be held on June 12 at 1:00 p.m. at Bullville Park in Crawford. The park is located at 612 Lybolt Road, Middletown, NY. There is a large pavilion in case of inclement weather.
Stanley Curtis began his career as a vocal music teacher in the Monroe Woodbury school system. He then became a Professor of Music at Orange County Community College and worked there until his passing. He taught music and singing to many, many people over the years. Although he conducted and soloed with many groups in the area, he was most proud to conduct the Warwick Valley Chorale. He created music with that group for over 30 years. It was his passion and it brought much enjoyment to both the singers and their audiences.