Mayor proposes draft rules for ‘no bully’ zone

| 13 May 2013 | 03:14

Editor’s note: This is a follow-up letter from Village of Warwick Mayor Michael Newhard on a recent bullying incident in the village.

The letter about a bullying incident has resonated in our community and clearly started an important dialogue. I mentioned last week about a “no bully” zone in our parks, but after some reflection I think we need to promote all that is good and positive. The following is a proposal for a roster of park rules.

Normally there are a lot of “don’ts,” but I think we need to invert the message and talk about the “do’s:”

Welcome to our park. The following are the rules we play by:

1. Respect this place every thing, every person, yourself.

2. Play fair, play for fun, play to teach, play to learn.

3. Everyone’s invited, all are welcome.

4. Help anyone who needs help especially little ones and senior citizens.

5. Be alert and ready to give a hand.

6. Picking up helps keep our park green.

7. Share.
8. Make friends.
9. Smile, you’re at the park!!

Great people make great parks. Enjoy!

I urge a response to this draft. Ask your children what they would like to see as a positive rule for the park.

You can send your comment via e-mail to, via fax 986-6884 or mail to Village of Warwick, P.O. Box 369, Warwick NY 10990.

For more letters to the editor on the subject, please turn to page XX.