Mastering small pieces and small details, then working toward 'the bigger'
Warwick. Artist of the week: Millie Pritchard, Warwick Valley Middle School
Creative, dedicated and imaginative, Warwick Valley Middle School student Millie Pritchard is making a splash in the art world, one small detail at a time.
“I am really inspired by my Mom," Millie said. "She is also an artist. I love the colors she uses, although I have developed a very different style.”
When asked about other sources of artistic inspiration, Millie describes how she loves to create “worlds.”
“Ultimately, Millie said, "I love to create other worlds. These are worlds that I have imagined and worlds that inspire me. I really want to work towards developing these worlds using artistic expression.”
Art teacher Nicole Sisco describes Millie as a student who not only finds a way to go beyond lesson objectives, but also challenges the learning standards with her own personal and unique style.
“Millie always has questions and is looking for insight into artists or art techniques that I introduce so she can gain a full perspective on what is at hand," Sisco said. "For instance, we created a Pop Artist Romero Britto-inspired painting and she did an animal portrait spin on Grant Wood’s 'American Gothic,' and in our recent work she pushed the boundaries by creating a reflecting pool in a monochromatic landscape with watercolors reflecting the watercolor sky.”
An eighth grader, Millie offers advice to younger artists who are trying to refine their craft.
“Sketch small things so that you feel happy with them," she recommended. "You will get a sense of accomplishment from mastering small pieces and small details. Then work toward 'the bigger.'"
As Sisco points out, “Millie is a unique girl and finds herself most drawn to an illustrative style of drawing and painting. She has a very fine and detailed way of drawing and she is most interested in dragons and imaginative creatures. I love watching her work and develop her ideas within her sketchbook, which is a wonderful display of the evolution of her portfolio of work.”
When asked if she has a favorite artist, Millie said, “I don’t have a particular favorite artist. But I do love to replicate fine details in my own work, similar to animation styles of recent films like 'How to Train Your Dragon.'
Not only is she a gifted artist, but an overall role model student as well.
“Millie is an active participant in the art room," Sisco said. "She is also a member of the Middle School Art Club and has most recently been volunteering during her unit lunch to assist and create in the art room. I thoroughly enjoy watching her evolve as an artist and have had the pleasure of seeing her face light up with joy every time I introduce new art in my classroom.”