Library presentation to help parents as back-to-school nears

| 07 Aug 2017 | 11:51

    Hope Stuart will present "Taking Time to Transition: Back to School Basics" on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 6:30 to 7:45 p.m., at the Albert Wisner Library.
    Stuart’s presentation will provide parents with tips for keeping track of after school activities, setting up a homework space and building a system for family backpacks. From establishing good habits related to sleeping, reducing screen time, setting goals and age-appropriate chores, this workshop is full of organizational ideas and strategies for easing your children back into balance and structure.
    Participants will be encouraged to share ideas about what works for their families. Relevant hand-outs and suggested readings will be provided, and refreshments will be served.
    Stuart has experience as a classroom teacher, school principal, professional organizer and education consultant. She is also an author and creator of a monthly parenting newsletter, “The Apple a Day Way,” which she supplies to the Family Central stations at the Albert Wisner Library.
    To participate, register at