‘Imagine What We Can Do Together!’
Warwick. Albert Wisner Public Library Foundation announces its annual appeal.

The Albert Wisner Public Library Foundation is announcing its 2021/2022 annual appeal: “Imagine What We Can Do Together!”
During 2021, the library continued on the path to normalcy. Hours have expanded to include Sundays, inhouse programming (following latest health and safety guidelines) has begun, art exhibits are back and people are returning to the library to pick up books, read the newspapers, study or met with friends.
One lesson from the pandemic has been that the community loves its library and wants to be together. And while together may look different than it did a few short years ago, the library is planning this year’s appeal to help create more durable solutions to outdoor programming, specifically on the children’s and river birch patios.
AWPL Foundation’s annual appeal is an important source of ongoing support for the library. Donations in the past have supported popular music and theatrical performances, museum passes, projection equipment and additions to the book and digital collections.
Rosemary Cooper, Director of the AWPL, is excited about improvements to the outdoor space and looks forward to sharing plans with the community as they are developed:
“We were so lucky to have such expansive outdoor space to hold many programs over the summer months and think the impact of improved outdoor spaces will have a significant impact on opportunities for all our library users.”
Library lions Glenn P. and Susan D. Dickes have pledged to match every gift received in this year’s appeal. This means each gift will be doubled.
“To demonstrate our support for the library’s plans to provide permanent shade for the outdoor patios,” Glenn and Susan said, “we will match, dollar for dollar, every gift made to this year’s annual appeal.
Donations can be made online at www.albertwisnerlibrary.org, by mail to AWPLF Annual Appeal, One McFarland Drive, Warwick NY 10990 or in person at the library.
For information, contact Siobhan O’Riordan at the library at 845-986-1047 ext. 5.