Historic Tavern Trail hosts Winter Holiday Celebration at Baird's Tavern

| 13 Dec 2017 | 08:51

WARWICK — On Friday evening, Dec. 8, the Historic Tavern Trail of the Hudson Valley hosted a Winter Holiday Celebration at Baird's Tavern on Main Street in the Village of Warwick.
Following a happy hour featuring a specialty Tavern Trail cocktail, the Apple Jack Downing, Warwick Historical Society Curator Michael Bertolini gave a lecture about Baird's History.
Owner Adam Powers also explained how he brought Baird's Tavern back to life.
Entertainment included tours of the landmark establishment, which Francis Baird built in 1766 as an inn and store.
Orange County was recognized by the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) with an Award of Merit for last year's Historic Tavern Trail series.
- Roger Gavan