Harzardous Waste Collection

| 06 May 2015 | 08:13

The first Household Hazardous Waste Collection day will be Friday, May 15, for farms, schools, governments and small businesses. These entities must pre-register by calling 845 291-2664 or go to www.orangecountygov.com/efs. On Saturday, May 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., there will be a collection for all Orange County residents who wish to dispose of all those old chemical cans like pesticides, oil-based paints, sprays, etc. This is free to residents with ID. There will also be a pill drop for those old medications you have that if they fall into the wrong hands can be deadly. The event on both days will be held at the Thomas Bull Memorial Park, 90 Grove Street, Montgomery.