Greenwood Lake beach opens for the season

Greenwood Lake. Trustees also discussed park maintenance, police department upgrades, and other village matters.

| 24 May 2024 | 05:26

The Greenwood Lake Village Board announced the opening of the beach for Friday, May 24, 2024. “Typically, the beach would open on Memorial Day weekend. We’d open up on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. But being, the school superintendent gave the schools Friday off, we’re going to add Friday to it,” said Mayor Thomas Howley.

The beach will be open only on weekends until June 26. It will then be open every day until Labor Day. Howley announced that lifeguards have been certified and are ready for the waterfront. “You might have read in the paper there’s a lifeguard shortage everywhere except in Greenwood Lake. We have a lot of young adults that are looking for summer work and we have gotten them certified,” he said.


The village’s Parks Department gave an update on the maintenance that has occurred throughout April and May. “We emptied garbage, picked up litter village-wide, started spring cleanups, mulching gardens, weeding, mowed lawns. We’re on the fields twice a week because they’re growing so fast,” said the department representative.

Additionally, the village set up swim ropes and the underside of the swim platform was rebuilt. Flowers were planted and banners for the centennial year have also been set up.


The Greenwood Lake Police Department will be upgrading its equipment. “Back in October of 2023, New York State DCJS, the Department of Criminal Justice Services sent an email out to all departments throughout the state and said that they have a technology grant that they’re looking to help departments out. So, we here in Greenwood Lake applied for quite a few different things and we were luckily awarded with $200,000,” said Greenwood Lake Police Chief Adam Eirand.

Some of the new equipment includes a side-scan sonar, surveillance cameras, and upgrades to tasers and drones.

Eirand also mentioned a rescue that occurred during the maintenance of the beach. “There was a woman and her dog that were in the lake, and they became distressed. They were about 200 feet out. Luckily our guys were in all their dive gear because the water was 50 degrees or so and she locked up. The dog locked up and they became distressed. Luckily us being in there we were able to act quickly, and Sergeant Jones and Detective Dwyer were able to get out there and save their lives essentially,” he said.

Lake work

The board is looking to complete lake treatment by mid-June. “I spoke to our herbicide company this morning. The permits have been submitted to the DEC [Department of Environmental Conservation]. Notifications are out. Just waiting for him to get one or two more certifications from the state and we’re good to go,” said Howley, who also noted that State Senator James Skoufis procured a $100,000 grant for a weed harvester.

Other business

Holey brought up a plan for reconstructing the 30-year-old water plant at a cost of about $5 million. “We’re getting three million dollars as a gift and we’re going to be bonding out two over, you know, 20 to 30 years, whatever it is,” said Howley.

Trustee Kelli Kelm reported that the seniors are doing well. “If you are 55 and over and you would like to join in the fun, feel free to go down to the senior center Tuesdays through Fridays from 10:30 to 2:30,” she said.

Trustee Chad Sellier reported his experience with Warwick Cares on May 4. “It was for May Mental Health Awareness Month. There were over 30 organizations that were there for the community to ask questions, to grab resources,” he said. He wants to create a page with links to those resources for the village website, the teen center, and the senior center.

The Street Fair will be held on June 8 at 11 a.m. at Windermere Ave. The Greenwood Lake Police Department plans to shut down 17A between Vine and Chestnut streets for this event.

“Expect congestion from 7:45 in the morning until about six o’clock at night,” said Eirand.

The farmer’s market will start June 8 and last until October 26 at Ben Winstanley Park.

The next meeting will be on June 12 at 6 p.m.