Golden Hill students learn how to give back
Florida. The fifth graders recently participated in Toys for Tots.

Fifth grade students at Golden Hill have been learning how to identify and apply themes in their daily lives and what better way to learn the importance of giving back than by running a toy drive for Toys for Tots.
Hoping to be positive role models while spreading holiday cheer, the students successfully collected over 80 new and unwrapped toys that will be in the hands of children this holiday season. The initial idea was sparked when a few students wondered what they could do to make the world a bit kinder. From there, Toys for Tots became a reality and soon flyers and decorative posters were hung throughout the school.
Since the Toys for Tots train stopped in the Hudson Valley on Dec.15, the students set a deadline for Dec. 12 as the last day to donate toys. The young volunteers were heard daily on the morning announcements reminding the school community to bring in unwrapped and new toys. The drive ran smoothly and the students had a lot of fun, while learning the value of giving back.
The fifth graders expressed thanks everyone for their support and donations and were pleasantly surprised by the kindness and generosity of others during this wonderful experience. A special shout out also went to Seward sixth grade teacher Margaret Kruger, who volunteered to take all the wrapped up toys to the Toys for Tots train.