Sustainable Warwick and Grow Local Greenwood Lake will sponsor a Zoom webinar on composting on Monday, Nov. 16, at 7:30 p.m.
The Zoom webinar will be presented by Jim Hall, a Senior Master Gardener volunteer with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange County since 2014. Hall runs two school gardens, a home garden and a community garden. He’s certified as a Composting Instructor by the University of Vermont and teaches about home, community and municipal composting.
For many, this is the perfect time to start composting or to enhance our composting skills. Why? Because this year we are spending more time at home. It’s a great time to use the free leaves and kitchen scraps available to enhance the quality of the soil in our gardens and flower beds.
Families benefit from composting because it creates a valuable soil supplement for all sorts of plants, helps make an important step toward having a zero waste home and reduces the use of fertilizers. If lots of families in Orange County composted, it would drive down the costs of municipal waste for everyone and reduce methane emissions from landfills.
Compost happens, but with a few skills and a simple setup, you can get more compost and better compost — with no stink.
To get the Zoom link and passcode for joining the webinar, email Grow Local Greenwood Lake: growlocalgwl@gmail.com.