Freezin’ for a Reason polar plunge event
Greenwood Lake. The Dec. 3 polar plunge will raise money for NY Special Olympics.

Gather family and friends. Double-dare co-workers and start a Polar Plunge Team. You can also join as an individual if you like. Just be ready to get wet.
Collect donations to help sponsor your plunge in support of local Special Olympics New York athletes.
There will be music, fire on the beach, frisbees, hula hoops, a playground, coffee, tea and hot chocolate. You can register that day.
A playground is available for children. Bring things to keep busy or arrive closer to 11:30. Go to registration first. A waiver must be signed at the event or downloaded in advance at:
Wear layers, as no dressing room is available. Costumes are welcome. Bring towels, shoes and a bag for wet clothes.
Make checks payable to Special Olympics NY.
There will be 50/50 raffles.
Raise a minimum of $150 and you will receive an official Polar Plunge sweatshirt. Students get special rates, so please ask.