Florida mayor helps relocate snapping turtle

Florida. The large fellow was rehomed to Glenmere Lake.

| 10 May 2024 | 12:07

Florida Village Mayor Daniel Harter Jr. this week took it upon himself to help a constituent in need. On Wednesday, May 8, Village Hall reportedly received a call from a resident about a large snapping turtle in his yard. According to the Village, Harter overheard the conversation, and, since Florida doesn’t have an official animal control unit, took it upon himself to help the resident out.

“The mayor picked up the overheated reptile and brought him to Glenmere Lake where he can enjoy the lake for the rest of his days,” the Village shared in a post on Facebook.

The mayor estimated its weight to be 30 to 35 pounds.

Glenmere Lake is home to a variety of creatures, including many other turtles, beavers, snakes, fish, and other aquatic life. According to the NYSDEC, it also features largemouth bass, chain pickerel, black crappie, yellow perch, bluegill and brown bullhead.

The village noted that snapping turtles can cause injury if biting to defend themselves — don’t handle them unless you are experienced.

Snapping turtle facts from the NYSDEC:
They live an average of 30 to 40 years.
They are one of the largest turtles found in North America.
Their snap is so powerful that it can easily shear fingers.
They eat plants, animals, and dead organisms.
They spend most of their time in water, and bury themselves in mud when hunting.
They are New York’s official state reptile.