Donna Kaminski named Queen for a Day

WARWICK — Mayor Michael Newhard and Ladies Night Out event chair Corrine Iurato continued a longtime tradition on Thursday evening, Aug. 23, when they crowned this year's "Queen for a Day," Donna Kaminski, who has an extraordinary record of supporting the community.
Among those joining in the ceremony were Merchant Guild President Tom Roberts and past President Mary Beth Schlichting.
It was the 18th anniversary of this special event held during Warwick's 21st annual celebration of Ladies Night Out.
Newhard, with the aid of a light held by Iurato, read the winning nomination letter, which was written this year by his sister, Beth Newhard.
"I believe Donna Kaminski should be Queen for a Day," wrote Beth Newhard, "because she has touched and impacted so many lives in our community through volunteering, work, friendships and family"
'Donna's capacity for giving is endless'She went on to report that Kaminski volunteers with Community 2000 where she is on the board as secretary, currently serves on the organizing committee for the Warwick Summer Arts festival and that she founded Project Knomad, where she oversees the planning of The Game of Skate along with her many other involvements in and support for events and organizations.
Kaminski, she added, is also actively working with the Village of Warwick to build a world class skate park in Memorial Park.
"As you can see," wrote Newhard, "Donna's capacity for giving is endless. Whether volunteering in the community, working in local businesses, supporting her friends or being the matriarch of her family, she is tireless."
Kaminski, who also happens to be an employee of Newhard's the Home Source, a popular gift shop on Main Street, was totally surprised by what must have been a hard secret for her bosses to keep.
EssentialsThe annual "Queen for a Day," winner also receives a valuable assortment of gift certificates and merchandise from Warwick business owners. This year, participating merchants donated more than $1,500 in gifts and services.
And during the ceremony, the mayor read the names of approximately 80 local businesses and organizations that had contributed.
Nomination applications are made available each year at downtown shops and anyone who believes he or she knows a person who deserves the crown is invited to participate.
Members of the Warwick Merchants' Guild then review the nominations and select the winner at a special meeting before "Ladies Night Out."
- Roger Gavan