Beautiful People names Marcel Martino to its Hall of Fame

| 30 Jun 2015 | 02:42

— Marcel Martino, the president & CEO of Orange County Cerebral Palsy Association, d.b.a. Inspire, will be the honoree of the Beautiful People seventh annual Dinner Dance, “Out of the Park,” at the Falkirk Estate & Country Club.

This fund raiser will be held Oct. 30 and Martino will be the fourth inductee into the Hall of Fame recognizing those whose leadership has had a lasting impact on improving the lives of children and young adults with developmental and physical disabilities.

Longtime supporter“Marcel threw out the first pitch at the first-ever ball game for Beautiful People in September 2007” said Peter Ladka, the Warwick based non-profit’s Founder and president.

Ladka launched Beautiful People with what he called a “crazy idea” to see kids who did not ordinarily have a chance at mainstream sports do so. Ladka planned a single day of baseball by forming the Miracle League of Orange County.

Since then the sports programs have expanded to include soccer and basketball, and now serve 200 players ages 5 and up.

Martino continued his support, available as a mentor to BP’s Jan Brunkhorst, executive director, and through Inspire, as a responsive sponsor.

Many of children and families participating in sports were in the care of Inspire in pre-school and clinical services.

Martino joined Inspire in January 2007, having been president of Paxxon Healthcare.

He is the recipient of the Daniel Wider Executive Leadership Award in 2012 and the Lifetime Achievement Award, 2011 Pillars of the Community Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center.

Essential informationThe dinner dance features music by The Groove, with vocalist Debbie Major.

Tickets can be reserved and sponsorship info at 845-986-5944 or visiting