Backpack Snack Attack seventh annual Back to School Month raises $9,300
Warwick. Proceeds could fill 2,000 backpacks for needy school children.

This is the seventh consecutive year that the Warwick Town Board has proclaimed the month of August, "Backpack Snack Attack Back to School Month."
As a result of extraordinary community support, Backpack Snack Attack. a non-profit organization that provides nutritional snacks to almost 300 needy school children each week of the school year, raised $9,300, bringing the seven-year total to more than $86,500.
Depending on the price of food, the proceeds from this year's event could fill 2,000 backpacks.
The program is run entirely by a group of volunteers and supported by donations and fund raising.
All proceeds are used to purchase food for needy children in this community.
During August more than 80 businesses throughout the town collected donations from their customers through the use of canisters, donation envelopes in restaurants and food drives. .
For example, Leo Kayte's Ford and ShopRite partnered throughout the month in a fill a van with food campaign. And the van was filled to more than $1,500 in food items donated by ShopRite customers.
During the month, several area restaurants presented their customers with donation envelopes when meals were completed and the bill was presented.
In addition to the funds raised in coin canisters and donation envelopes in restaurants, Backpack received sizable contributions from H.O.P.E. Daylee USA, Inc., G&T Auto Parts of Warwick, Savvy Chic Consignment Boutique and Eye Physicians of Orange County.
Other business partners that assisted in getting many donations from their customers were; Grappa Ristorante, Landmark Inn, Eddie's Roadhouse, Copper Bottom, Track 7, Key Bank,Larry's Deli, Peck's Wine and Spirits, OCHS Orchard, New Beginnings, Pennings Orchard and Warwick Grove Wascals Softball.
"We would like to thank all the businesses, organizations and people of Warwick for their incredible generosity," said Backpack Snack Attack President Shirley Puett," Backpack is off to a great start this school year thanks to the support of our wonderful community."
- Roger Gavan