Annual Lions Club and Village of Warwick Halloween Parade draws 1,200 witches, goblins and other assorted characters

| 08 Nov 2018 | 07:04

— On Wednesday evening, Oct. 31, unseasonable temperatures in the mid 60s and sunny skies contributed to what was likely the largest crowd to date participating in the annual Halloween Parade.
The popular event is sponsored by the Warwick Lions Club and the Village of Warwick Recreation Department.
Once again this year's large crowd of what may have been more than 1,200 ghosts, goblins, witches and an assortment of movie, cartoon and even more creative characters, resembled the crowds at Applefest, Warwick's largest celebration.
At 4:30 p.m. the marchers assembled on Church Street and then headed down Main Street to Railroad Avenue for a costume contest and Halloween treats.
It took approximately 25 minutes for everyone in the parade to reach that destination.
At Railroad Green members of the Warwick Volunteer Fire Department were on hand to pass out glow in the dark fire helmets to all the youngsters.
And there was a surprise visit by the “Headless Horseman,” courtesy of Leora Dillon in costume atop her horse Eagle.
The judges this year were Town of Warwick Supervisor Michael Sweeton, Mayor Michael Newhard and Pam Starer, president of the Warwick Lions.
In previous years the annual Halloween Parade had been sponsored on alternate years by Warwick's American Legion Post 214 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4662.
Five years ago, however, the Village of Warwick and Warwick Lions Club became sponsors of the event and the costume contest.
This year’s contest included categories such as most original, scariest, cutest and most Warwick pride.
Age groups ranged from under five years old to adult and family ensemble.
- Roger Gavan