Annual Easter Egg Hunt held at Veterans Memorial Park

| 09 Apr 2015 | 02:13

WARWICK — After a night of heavy rain the skies cleared but it was still unseasonably cool and very windy on Saturday morning, April 4, with gusts over 30 mph.

However, that didn't deter more 500 children, parents and grandparents from attending the eighth annual Village of Warwick Easter Egg Hunt, co-sponsored by the Warwick Volunteer Fire Department along with the Village Recreation Department.

Three years ago the traditional Easter Egg Hunt was moved from Stanley-Deming Park to Veterans Memorial Park.

Earlier that morning, Warwick Fire Department members and other volunteers placed thousands of candies in the baseball field. The Easter Bunny was also on hand to greet the children and pose for photos.

About 15 minutes before the start of the egg hunt, all the children were lined up in three age groups: seven to 12, four to six and three and under. Moms and dads were permitted to help the toddlers and everyone else enjoyed watching the children.

After last minute instructions by Fire Department President Chad Quackenbush and the signal to go, the children were off and hunting, not only for the ordinary goodies, but also for three "golden eggs," one for each age group.

And each one of these entitled the lucky child to a special gift bag.

Also, for the third consecutive year, there was a food drive to help the Warwick Ecumenical Food Pantry.

Participants were asked to bring a non-perishable food donation, which members of the Warwick Fire Department Auxiliary collected in boxes to be delivered to the Food Pantry office at the United Methodist Church.