A GWL Christmas party
| 22 Dec 2015 | 12:24

A third grade class from GWL sang Christmas carols under Music Director Laura Kroll.

Cubs from Den #6 passed out dessert cakes. Pictures left to right are Elijah Caric, Riley Cross, Vincent Velez, Evan Hart, Luca Scotto and Joey Pastor.

Entertainer Grover Kemble doing his "Jimmy Durante" act with bass player Tim Metz and piano player Regan Ryzak. It was nostalgic fun featuring songs and comedy.

GWL Cub Scouts Pack 121 Den #6 sang Christmas carols under direction of Den Laeder Anne Caric.
GREENWOOD LAKE — The Greenwood Lake Elks Club no. 2067 held a Christmas party for GWL Seniors on Wednesday, Dec. 16.
An overflow crowd attended the party at the Elks hall with abundant entertainment.