It's all adding up: Warwick's 2005 state math scores improve
Warwick - Warwick Valley’s eighth-grade math scores continue to improve, according to the state Education Department results released in late September. Warwick Valley Middle School had 78 percent of eighth-graders passing the state assessment test in 2005. That is up from 75 percent in 2004 and 65 percent in 2003. This year’s score ranks Warwick Valley Middle School as number two among middle schools in Orange County, and number two among middle schools in Orange, Sullivan and Ulster counties combined. This score also puts Warwick in the top 20 percent of all middle schools in New York State. All four of Warwick’s elementary schools n Kings, Park Avenue, Pine Island and Sanfordville n continue to show steady improvement in math, according to the results of the 2005 grade four state math assessment tests. Combined, Warwick’s elementary schools had a passing rate of 90 percent in 2003, 93 percent in 2004 and 97 percent in 2005. That 97 percent passing rate puts Warwick’s four elementary schools at number two in Orange County. Warwick’s overall elementary math scores rank in the top 16 percent of elementary schools in New York State. Park Avenue and Pine Island each had scores of 100 percent passing on the state math assessment test for fourth-graders n the only two schools to do so in Orange County. The scores place them in the top six percent of all elementary schools in the state. “Congratulations are in order for all of our fourth- and eighth-grade students and all of our K-8 teachers for their fine results on the math assessment tests,” said Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instructional Services Dr. Marijane Reinhard. “Once again we are demonstrating continuous student achievement in math. Congratulations, also, to Park Avenue and Pine Island for their number one status in Orange County.” All students’ scores fall into one of four levels n level 1 being the lowest, level 4 the highest. Levels 3 and 4 are both considered passing. “Last year Warwick had zero fourth-grade students at level 1; this year we have zero at level 2 as well,” Reinhard said. “Our next goal is to move more students from level 3 into the highest level n level 4.” The assistant superintendent said that the next objective for Warwick eighth-graders would be to break the 80 percent mark in the percentage of students passing on the state math assessment tests. “This is what going from a good school district to a great school district is all about - continuous achievement and improvement for all students.” Reinhard said. While many complain of the overtesting of students, Reinhard said the Warwick Valley Central School District views the tests and their results as valuable tools. “The information gleaned from state assessment tests is useful data,” she said. “It is used to plan instruction, to improve teaching methods and to help all students learn.”