Bronze plaque proposed for Revolutionary heroes

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:45

    WARWICK-He's not alone. Except for an historical marker near his home, which is in disrepair, and a gravestone in a quiet section of Warwick Cemetery, there isn't much in the way of special tribute paid to Gen. John Hathorn, a Warwick resident and hero of the American Revolution. According to Dr. Richard Hull, local historian and Professor of History at New York University, there are 85 Warwick veterans who served in our war for independence but, unlike the veterans of recent wars, there are no bronze plaques honoring them in Town Hall. There are, however, bronze plaques which honor the veterans of World War I, World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars and the Persian Gulf War. "We remember them (veterans honored at Town Hall) for the sacrifices they made to uphold and preserve our democratic republic," Hull wrote in a letter to the editor that recently appeared in The Warwick Advertiser. "But why haven't we given similar homage to Warwick citizens who sacrificed to establish those very institutions and who gave us the independent republic we so cherish today?" Hull, author of several books on local history including "History of Warwick: 1696 - 1996," said that he can document their names, many of whose descendants still live in the area today. In the past few months, Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton has been asking residents to submit the names of any local man or woman who served in the Afghanistan or Iraq wars for a proposed bronze plaque in their honor. He's had some success and hopes that project will begin soon. Commenting on Hull's recommendation, Sweeton said, "I think that's a wonderful idea and we will give it careful consideration." Another idea that has been mentioned is a bronze plaque for Warwick veterans of the Civil War and possibly a single plaque honoring others who served in other conflicts such as the War with Mexico and the Spanish American War. Sweeton said the town would welcome more information and the names of these veterans