Gloria Okon still misses Warwick

Warwick - Last January the officers and members of the St. Anthony Community Hospital Auxiliary met to discuss plans for the upcoming year. But it was also an important meeting for another very special reason. Gloria Okon, SACHA’s immediate past President, who led and revitalized the organization for more than 10 years, had just revealed the news that she would be moving away from Warwick to live closer to her children and grandchildren. Shortly afterwards, Okon, put her home in Warwick Meadows up for sale and moved to Sterling Glen in Rye. Today, Okon is settled and very comfortable in her new Westchester County digs. And some friends from Warwick still call and visit on occasion. But she admits, “This is nice but I always loved Warwick and I still miss it very much.” Okon, whose friends call her “Glo,” had a long history of service to this community. In 2004, during the 10th annual celebration of “Ladies Night Out,” Gloria “Glo” Okon, former actress, singer and TV personality and then president of SACHA, was crowned “Queen for a Day.” The highlight of the popular and festive celebration of “Ladies Night Out” in the Village of Warwick, “Queen for a Day,” was designed to honor a special lady, recognized by her family or friends for her generous spirit, caring heart and selfless nature. There were many reasons at that time and now to justify Okon’s nomination. Throughout the years, there was hardly a charitable event that couldn’t call on Gloria Okon for a heart and soul contribution as a volunteer, committee member or leader. Whether it was selling books for the Albert Wisner Public Library, coaching students, directing a high school production, selling raffle tickets, driving for Meals on Wheels or hawking ducks for Winslow’s Annual Duck Derby, she could always be counted on as an enthusiastic volunteer. And although, as SACHA’s longtime president, much of her time was spent directing that organization, she still found hours leftover for projects sponsored by other organizations such as Rotary and the Warwick Community Center. Okon also served on St. Anthony Community Hospital’s Annual Spring Ball and Golf Classic committees and the Warwick Citizens World Trade Center Memorial committee. In her spare time you might have found her working for a Church Renew Program or the annual St. Stephen’s Bazaar. Long before moving to Warwick, Okon had become widely known as “The Weather Girl” on New York’s WPIX TV Channel 11. She also hosted other television shows including New York’s annual “Easter Parade” and she enjoyed an exclusive contract, during the 1960s and 1970s, as the spokesperson for Arnold Bakery. She was married to the late Ted Okon, a well-known TV producer. Today, Okon, who has three married sons, is a proud grandmother of seven grandchildren. Until two years ago, her main focus had been shepherding SACHA through a series of fund raisers for St. Anthony Community Hospital such as the annual June “Under the Tent” Party at Hickory Hill. She served as Event Chair for that event until June 2005. When Okon bid farewell to her SACHA members she fought back tears and stated, “I leave you in good hands but I really hate leaving Warwick. I love this town.”