Dermatologist marks 25 years in practice

Dr. Steven Wolinsky looks back to 1984 and reflects on changes Monroe Steven Wolinsky, M.D. recently celebrated his 25th year anniversary of practicing dermatology in Monroe. Wolinsky remembers his first day of practice in Monroe in 1984. As the newest dermatologist in the area at that time, he was not very busy at first. He was seeing patients with Dr. Tuchman who had started practicing dermatology in 1973 in Monroe. The practice continued to grow and get busier as more and more patients were being helped by both doctors. They opened a second office in Warwick, in 1985. Since then, the practice has continued to grow to include a third physician, Dr. Hutman, who joined in 1996, and is now known as Orange Dermatology Associates, P.C. Three physician assistants, Dawn Barilli, RPA-C, Avraham Sokoloff, RPA-C and Amy L. Wolff, RPA-C, work with the doctors. Tuchman no longer actively sees patients, but remains available for staff requested consultations, on a case by case basis. Wolinsky has seen many things change in Orange County as well as in the practice of dermatology and medicine in the last 25 years. Twenty-five years ago, HIV was virtually unheard of in Orange County and MRSA was unknown. At that time, anti-viral therapy for Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster (Shingles) was in its infancy and now there are several drugs available for these conditions. Twenty-five years ago, there were a few effective treatments for psoriasis, but now this debilitating skin disease can be treated with many new medicines that are safer than the old ones and more effective as well. Botox was unheard of 25 years ago, and there was no such thing as Juvederm or Radiesse to fill in facial lines and wrinkles. Patients would bring in potatoes and onions Back in 1985, there was a much stronger rural character in Orange County than there is today. Sometimes patients would bring Wolinsky bags of onions and potatoes. Laser surgery was in its infancy. Today, there are lasers for hair removal, for removal of blood vessels as well as for other cosmetic treatments. Now, lasers are also used to treat medical conditions like psoriasis. Other treatments that are available now that were not available 25 years ago include photodynamic therapy, a blu-light treatment for both precancerous spots and for acne and “Narrow Band UVB” and PUVA for psoriasis. One of the most dramatic changes in the last 25 years in dermatology has been in the field of skin cancer. Skin cancer is becoming more and more prevalent over the decades and the years despite the public’s increasing use of sunscreen. Orange Dermatology Associates, P.C. has grown tremendously over the last 25 years and now employs over 30 people. Wolinsky can look back at his years in Orange County with personal and professional satisfaction, as he looks forward to continued growth and many more years of caring for patients in the future. In 1984, when he first came to Orange County, Wolinsky and his wife had two children and no grandchildren. Today, they have five children, two sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law and six grandchildren. In his spare time, Wolinsky likes to spend time with his family. He likes to compete in triathlons and marathons. On his days off, he can often be found hiking with his two dogs, his children, grandchildren or his friends in Harriman State Park.