Warwick Odyssey of the Mind teams slated for World Finals in Iowa
Warwick. Warwick Valley High School and Sanfordville Elementary School teams earned top scores in the New York State finals, advancing them to the World Finals at Iowa State University in May.

Five local Odyssey of the Mind teams from Goshen, Monroe and Warwick earned top scores at the March 26 state finals, where they competed against 210 schools throughout the state. The local students are now preparing for the 2022 World Finals at Iowa State University in May.
The 2022 State Finals were held in person for the first time in two years at the New York State Fairgrounds. The top three teams in each division and problem were given the opportunity to advance to World Finals.
The top local teams’ state placements in their categories are as follows:
• Sanfordville Elementary School, Warwick: second place
• Goshen Intermediate School, Goshen: second place
• Monroe Woodbury Middle School, Central Valley: second place
• Goshen Middle School, Goshen: second place
• Warwick Valley High School, Warwick: first place
All five teams are slated to compete in their respective categories and divisions at Iowa State University May 25 - 28.