Warwick Lions run for fun and funds on Labor Day
Warwick. Warwick Lions 31st Annual Labor Day 5K raised funds for their local and international causes.

Warwick Lions ran their 31st annual Labor Day 5k Race/Walk for fitness, fun and funding.t started in the Warwick Middle School at 7 a.m. and the event ended around 11 a.m.
Warwick Crew and Warwick Girls Scouts assisted at the event, and the Lions thank Warwick Police Dept. and EMS for their support. The race was directed by Lion George McManaus.
The Warwick Lions Club supports a number of causes through the donations it receives at its activities hosted throughout the year. The Labor day event is the biggest fundraiser for these causes.
Local causes include Back Pack Snack Attack, Children’s Christmas Shopping Event, Friends of Warwick Schools, Leo’s Club, Lions Peace Poster Contest, SEE Program, Youth Basketball, Warwick Boys & Girls Track, Warwick Community Center, Warwick Ecumenical Food Pantry, Warwick High School Awards, Warwick Historical Society, Warwick Lions Club Sight & Hearing Fund, Warwick Little League, Warwick Shredfest, Warwick Summer Concert Program, Warwick Valley Chorale, Warwick Valley Community Center, Warwick Valley Youth Basketball, Winslow Therapeutic
International Causes: Albany Eye Institute, Empire State Speech & Hearing, Eye Glasses Collection, Guide Dog Donation, Lions Quest Program, Orange County Site & Hearing, Vacation Camp for the Blind