Village “finzboni” invention wows judges in Build a Better Mousetrap Competition
Warwick. The zamboni variation devised by the Village of Warwick Department of Public Works keeps the Village ice skating rink smooth and safe, saving many manpower hours and the thousands of dollars a zamboni would cost. The DPW devised FinzBoni cost about $200, said Mayor Michael Newhard, and was named after DPW worker Mike Finnelli who came up with the idea.
A simplified zamboni invented by the Village of Warwick Department of Public Works was recently recognized in the 2022 Build a Better Mousetrap Competition of the NYS Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)- Cornell Local Roads Program (NYSLTAP - CLRP). They acknowledged the Village DPW for outstanding achievement in innovation.
The “FinzBoni,” named for DPW staff member Mike Finnelli, allows them to keep the Village ice skating rink safe for use in winter months. The innovation saves the DPW hours of manpower while delivering a smooth surface for skaters. Finnelli came up with the idea. Then he and his coworkers cobbled together the machine.
The NYSLTAP - CLRP Build a Better Mousetrap Competition is a statewide contest for NYS highway and public works departments held annually to spotlight innovations that solve everyday problems. Entries are judged under the criteria of cost, implementation, transferability, and commonality of the problem solved. Winners go on to be entered into a national competition.
“The Build a Better Mousetrap Competition highlights innovation at the local level. The entries for 2022 include a fantastic array of outstanding ideas by the highway and public works departments across New York State,” said NYSLTAP Center - Cornell Local Roads Program Director David Orr, PE.