Vegetable preservation and composting workshops coming up
Warwick. Quick pickles and freezer jam will be among the processes and products taught at two Orange Environment, Inc. Practice Sustainable Living series workshops.
Warwick /
| 21 Sep 2022 | 06:16

Vegetable Preservation on Sunday, 10/2/22, from 1:30-4:00 p.m. and led by Lorraine Barbarash. She will discuss how to preserve your excess garden produce using various techniques – like canning, drying, dehydration, quick pickling, and making no-cook freezer jam. This is a hands-on workshop and you’ll take home a free jar of quick pickles and jam. Fee is $45.
Home Composting and Organic Gardening on Saturday 10/8/22 from 9:30 a.m. to noon will be led by Jim Hall. All aspects of composting will be covered: materials needed, what goes into the compost bin and what doesn’t, site selection and bin construction, and controlling pests and weeds. Participants will get a free sample bag of compost. Fee is $30.
Both workshops will be held at The Oasis at Warwick on 10 Fence Road in Warwick. On-line registration only by 9/27 at No checks please. Pay only $65 if you sign up for both sessions. For more info contact Peter Lai at 1-845-313-4246.