Warwick. Warwick Valley Prevention Coalition August Sticker Shock campaign

The Warwick Valley Prevention Coalition is initiating a campaign called the Youth Alcohol Use Prevention Sticker Shock through Sunday, Sept. 13.
The Sticker Shock initiative is designed to be a conversation starter between parents and their children about topics such as drug and alcohol use.
The coalition will be distributing the stickers to the following locally participating restaurants and pizzerias:
Eddie’s Roadhouse on Main Street;
Grappa Ristorante on Railroad Avenue;
Frank’s Pizza on Main Street;
Franico’s on Elm Street; and
Franico’s on Main Street in Florida.
The coalition is also offering a contest incentive to start the conversation.
For more information, families can visit the Coalition’s Facebook page, Instagram @warwickyouthcoalition or email francesca.wvpc@gmail.com.