Warwick. Future of this year’s free summer concert series still in doubt

What would have been another summer season of free concerts in the Village of Warwick is now another casualty of the coronavirus pandemic.
The series of free performances, under the direction of Bill Iurato, owner of Pecks Wines and Spirits, usually begins around the Memorial Day weekend.
But performances during May and June were all canceled this year and a reopening in July is unlikely.
Iurato reported that future performances, perhaps in August, which historically enjoy huge crowds, must await decisions by New York State as well as the Village Board.
“It’s not up to me,” he said.
The Village of Warwick free summer concert series, designed to offer local residents an opportunity to bring blankets and chairs, relax outside, listen to music and even dance on the Railroad Green, began in June 2000 with just four concerts and has grown each year by leaps and bounds.
- Roger Gavan