Goshen. "A Night Out In November," an evening of fellowship to bring awareness to the fall opening of the Middletown Warming Station, will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15, at co|LAB, 45 St. John St., Goshen. The suggested donation is $10. Performing are Ellen Kaye, vocals; Ethan Fein, guitar; Bob Renino, bass; and Cat Wilson. The featured visual artist is William T. O'Keeffe.Hors d'oeuvres are by Lisa B. "We've all been on the receiving end of a generous and giving heart," says the invitation. "Be the kind stranger. Be a part of making someone's life better. Be our good neighbor." Help by volunteering, donating items, or giving money. The event is co-hosted by co|LAB, Michelle Pfeffer of Home in the Hudson Valley/Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, Ellen Kaye, Lisa M. Bartolomeo, Alan Joseph, and Ethan Fein. For more information visit colabgoshen.com or call 646-584-2387.