Middletown. Is it science or art? Only your hairdresser knows for sure

On the last day of Women’s History Month, SUNY Orange’s cultural affairs office will celebrate with an event which explains the qualities of natural and textured hair and defines its cultural significance.
“The Art of Textured Hair – The Science Behind the Beauty” will be presented from 4:45 to7 p.m. on Monday, March 31 in the Gilman Center Library, room 130, SUNY Orange at 14 East Conkling Ave., Middletown.
The free program will be presented by I’Jala Soleesgrammy Retriegue, the proprietor of Get Flawless in Middletown and a retired NYPD officer.
PowerPoint visuals will provide scientific evidence of the differences in hair while a demonstration will illustrate the many avenues of creativity and self-care textured hair offers. A Q&A and discussion period will follow.
“If our hair isn’t healthy, it can impact our confidence,” says Retriegue. “That’s why self-care should be a daily part of our hair care routine. Beauty is where science meets self-care and confidence.”
Free parking is available in the parking garage at the corner of East Conking and Wawayanda Avenues. Space is also available in lots 6, 7 and 7B at the end of East Conkling.
For more information, visit SUNY Orange’s cultural affairs office online at cultural@sunyorange.edu.