Local artist Robert Innella opening West Milford exhibit
West Milford. Local artist Robert Innella is opening an exhibit of his work at the West Milford Library in September.

For the months of September and October, West Milford Township Library invites the public to enjoy the works of local artist Robert Innella on display in the second floor Gallery of the West Milford Township Library & Community Center.
Largely self-taught, Innella was influenced by a host of Hudson River artists including; Garin Baker, Sarah McHugh and Barbara Van der Sluys of the Warwick Art League.
He studied for a time with Danielle Wexler at John Osbourne's Ridgewood Art Institute.
Innella is currently a member of the Warwick Art League and Ringwood Manor Art Association.
His paintings have exhibited at juried shows at Orange Hall Gallery, Ringwood Manor, St. Catherine of Bologna Annual Art Show, and other local venues, including the Wallisch Homestead Original Art Show in West Milford and Lycian Theater in Sugar Loaf, New York.
Today, Innella sells greeting cards and prints featuring his paintings at local arts and craft shows.
"Through my paintings I have been able to better interpret my feelings about the world around me, as seen through my eyes, and expressed from my heart. I cannot imagine a 'world' without art," Innella said in a press release. "Hopefully, the work will produce a thoughtful reflection or maybe a whimsical smile in the beholder."
The library, in partnership with the township, invites local artists to apply to exhibit their works in the second floor Gallery of the West Milford Township Library and Community Center, located at 1470 Union Valley Road.
The Library is proud to celebrate the talents of its community members by highlighting their works, while living up to its mission of positively impacting people's lives by being even more of a true center of the community.
Applications for November and December, and all of 2020, are now being accepted by the library.
For details on exhibiting artwork in the Library's Gallery, including policy, procedures, and application, visit http://www.wmtl.org/exhibits.
As an educational and cultural institution, the library welcomes exhibits of interest to the general public, with preference given to local artists.
Works will be available for viewing during the Library and Community Center's standard operating hours.
For more information, contact the Library Director, Ricardo Pino, at pino@wmtl.org.