Warwick Day Care offers thanks for climber donation, move
| 15 Feb 2012 | 08:45
Warwick Day Care Center Inc., a not-for-profit agency, would like to thank Hilltop Children’s Center in Middletown for recently donating a new climber for WDC’s front playground. With the closing of Hilltop, Warwick Day Care has been fortunate enough to receive many other donations from the center as well. Warwick Day Care would like to thank Peter Melay and his crew, as well as Grandpa Melay, for moving the set from Middletown to Warwick and re-assembling the climber for the center. Without your help, this would not have been possible. Also, thank you to all the other volunteers that responded to our call for the need to move the climber. Maxine Meyer, executive director Warwick Daycare Center Inc.