We the People Warwick

| 07 Sep 2021 | 01:29

    In response to the recent announcement that We the People Warwick is sponsoring another round of weekly community dialogues this Fall, my wife and I wanted to encourage participation by sharing our experience during the last round of discussions.

    Trained facilitators guide weekly small group conversations focusing on the differences between dialogue and debate, practicing the art of listening.

    We were challenged to understand and embrace the nature of community and the practical ability to foster real conversation about difficult issues.

    Are you talking to your neighbors?

    Are you even interested their point of view?

    We found that as the weeks progressed we were more interested in what we have in common with others than what divides us. That caused our conversations to change and created space for relationship.

    We were then given the opportunity to participate in a workshop with all other We the People Warwick groups. We were challenged to define areas within our community that might benefit from collaborative solutions using dialogue to address concerns in a positive fashion.

    We have met other people who love our community and are looking for ways to make a discerning change.

    If interested, please contact: wethepeoplewarwick@gmail.com

    Jim and Sharon Knol
