They know the difference between education and indoctrination

| 03 May 2023 | 10:13

    To the Editor:

    As a teacher who has retired from the Warwick School District, I pay close attention to the candidates that run for our school board.

    There are three incumbent candidates seeking re-election for school board on May 16. They are Dory Masefield, Robert Howe, and John Garcia.

    They have a clear record of many years of service to our students and have clearly demonstrated their support for a rigorous and inclusive education that supports the success of all Warwick students.

    They know the difference between education and indoctrination.

    While education serves to expand minds and lives, indoctrination works to limit access to differing points of view. Facts can also be distorted to promote a specific view.

    Dory, Robert, and John wish to continue to serve our Warwick students by providing them with an education that will prepare them for an ever more complex and challenging world.

    Let’s turn out to support them, and our students, on May 16.

    Roz Gitt
