Experience, not slogans

| 03 May 2023 | 09:25

    To the Editor:

    A slogan sells a product. It doesn’t tell you anything about the product, it just gets repeated so many times that it starts to sound true. (“You’re in Good Hands,” “Finger lickin’ good,” “Breakfast of Champions,” “Can you hear me now?” )

    A candidate is not a product, and a slogan isn’t enough to merit your vote.

    Experience, accomplishments, facts merit your vote. Here are only a few of the many accomplishments of the current board of education, including the three incumbents running for re-election. These are facts, which means they’re true: small, if any, tax increases, top 10 percent in New York State for student enrollment increases, four U.S. Blue Ribbon schools, NYS Reward/Recognition High School, three Odyssey of the Mind world championships, 40 new classes since 2014, police officers in schools, and Best Community for Music Education recognition.

    As I said, there are many more, but I believe it’s clear that the current board of education is doing an excellent job of stewarding our district. Slogans fail by comparison. Facts matter. That’s why I’m voting for the incumbents: Bob Howe, Dory Masefield, and John Garcia.

    Carole Howard
